7 Winning Strategies for Football Betting

Football betting can be an exciting and lucrative way to make some extra cash. But, if you want to win consistently, it’s important to approach your bets with a well-thought out strategy. In this article, we look at seven strategies for football betting that will give you the best chance of coming away with some profits. We’ll cover topics such as understanding the odds, finding value in wagers, and shopping for lines across multiple sportsbooks https://bet-helper.ke/best-bookmakers-in-kenya/ . By following these strategies, you’ll be able to increase your chances of success when placing bets on football games!


Understanding the odds

When it comes to football betting, understanding the odds is key. The most common type of bet in football is a point spread wager, where you choose which team will cover the spread. To understand this type of bet, it’s important to know what the “spread” means and how it affects your chances of winning or losing your bet. The spread is basically a handicap given to one team that gives them an advantage over their opponent – if you think one team will win by more than the spread, then you should place a wager on that team.

Finding value in wagers

Another strategy for successful football betting involves finding value in wagers. This means looking at different lines offered by different sportsbooks and finding ones with higher payouts or lower risks than other bookmakers offer. It also involves comparing lines before placing a bet so that you can maximize your potential profits while minimizing your losses when possible.  This is a great way to increase your chances of coming away with some profits.

Shopping around for lines

When it comes to shopping for lines, it is important to consider not just the odds but also the vig (or juice as some call it). This is the amount of money that a sportsbook charges for processing a bet and represents their fee for taking bets on a particular event. Vigs vary from one bookmaker to another so making sure that you shop around and compare vigs is an important part of this strategy. It’s also important to remember that when betting on football, there are several other factors beyond just the odds and vig that can affect your chances of winning or losing a bet such as weather conditions, injuries, suspensions, etc. So it is important to take all these into account when comparing lines across multiple bookmakers.

Another factor worth considering when shopping for lines is bonus offers from different sportsbooks. Most online sportsbooks offer some sort of bonus program designed to attract new customers or reward loyal ones – these bonuses usually come in the form of free bets, deposit match bonuses or even cashback offers depending on the sportsbook in question. Knowing which bookmakers have which bonus offers and how they stack up against other offerings can ensure that you are getting the best value possible when placing your bets.

Finally, keep in mind that many sportbooks will offer special promotions and discounted lines during big events such as tournaments or playoffs; take advantage of these opportunities if they arise! By following these strategies and thoroughly researching all the available options before placing your wagers, you should be able to increase your chances of coming away with some profits from football betting!

Managing risk

When it comes to football betting, managing risk is an important part of the process. While there is no surefire way to guarantee a win, taking steps such as setting limits on how much money you’re willing to bet and diversifying your portfolio of bets can help to minimize the risk associated with football betting.

Doing research

Doing research is also key when it comes to successful football betting. This means looking into each team’s rosters and recent performance, as well as researching upcoming match-ups, injuries, and other factors that may affect a game’s outcome. Doing this will give you an edge over casual bettors who don’t take the time to do their due diligence.

Staying disciplined

Finally, staying disciplined is essential for successful football betting. This involves following through on your strategies and not letting emotions get in the way of making informed decisions about where to place wagers. It also means setting limits on how much you’re willing to bet and sticking to them, no matter what.


Football betting can be a great way to make some extra cash if done correctly. By following the strategies outlined in this article, such as shopping around for lines and managing risk, you should be able to increase your chances of coming away with some profits from football betting. Additionally, doing research on teams and match-ups is key while staying disciplined will help ensure that you are making informed decisions about where to place wagers. With these tips in hand, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t come out ahead!